
sexta-feira, maio 13, 2005


Hai! Ciamar a tha sibh an-diugh? (como vcs estão hoje?)

Ontem não coloquei nada porque estou tendo problemas de conexão e estava criando os arquivos de som.

Já coloquei alguns e basta clicar para ouvir!

For the English speakers that I know that comes and visit me, I'm creating some sound files to help with the lessons and some are already available. Just click on the words to listen!

6 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Non consigo ouvir os arquivos de son!


Cris disse...

Chegando em casa vejo isso!!

Anônimo disse...

Vaya asi podre aprender brasileño y escoces.. :)

mona disse...

hallo agus dùrachd às' ghearmailt :)
hi and greetings from germany.

bu toigh leam portuguese ionnsachadh uaireigin. tha mi a' smaoineachadh gur e cànan àlainn a th' ann.
i'd like to learn portuguese some day. i think it is a beautiful language.

's urrainn dhomh beagan a thuigsinn o chionn 's gu bheil laidinn agam. ach chan urrainn dhomh ga bruidhinn.
i can understand a bit because i know latin. but i cannot speak it.

tha sin sgoinneil gu bheil thu ag ionnsachadh - agus a' teagasg! :) - gàidhlig.
it's great that you are learning - and teaching! :) - gaelic.

chì thu gu bheil mòran fhaclan anns a' ghàidhlig cairdeach ri na cànanan ròmanach.
you will see that many gaelic words are related to the romanic languages.
boa noite! :)

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